Lacrosse Drillbook & Playbook

The ultimate resource for lacrosse coaches online. Laxlife delivers a comprehensive collection of illustrated drill & play diagrams.

The Drillbook includes warm-up, goaltending, defense, loose ball, cradling, stickwork, transition, offense, games & cardio, while the Playbook covers systems, powerplays, short handed, set plays & situations.

* Free Drills/Plays Are Highlighted In Red




Fundamental Skills Analysis: Warm-Ups/Cool-Downs

#1A: Line Shuttles (Straight & Staggered)

#1B: Line Shuttles (Transition & Traffic)

#2: Board Shuttles

#3: “Star” Passing

#4: Semi-Circle (“Horseshoe”) Shooting

#5: “Snake” Shooting

#6A: 3 Player Shuttles

#6B: 3 Player Shuttle (Lead Passing)

#7: CP’s “Circling” Warm-Up

#8: Half Floor “Cycling & Shooting”

#9: Bellies “Pick & Roll” Warm-Up

#10: “Seal The Shooter” Warm-Up

#11A: “X” Passing (Repetitive Skip Passes)

#11B: “X” Shooting

#12: 1 Pick, 2 Shots (“Pick & Pop”)

#13A: 4 Line “Transition Passing” (Same-Side)

#13B: 4 Line “Transition Passing” (Cross-Floor)

#13C: 4 Line “Transition Passing” (4 Lanes)

#14A: 3 Player “Weave” (Proper-Side)

#14B: 3 Player “Weave” (Scrambled)

#15A: China’s Transition Warm-Up (LB/Pass)

#15B: China’s Transition Warm-Up (Long Pass)

#16A: Hockey Blue Line Drill (Short Pass)

#16B: Hockey Blue Line Drill (Long Pass)

#16C: Hockey Blue Line Drill (Diagonals)


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Warm-Ups/Cool-Downs

#1: Goalie “Stance” & “Rebound Control”

#2: Goalie “W” Footwork

#3A: Breakaway Competition

#3B: Double Breakaway Competition

#4: Goalie Breakout Pass & Laterals

#5A: Goalie Mid-Range Pass

#5B: Goalie Long Pass

#6: Goalie Numbers (“Re-Positioning”) Drill

#7A: Marty’s Rebound Off The Boards

#7B: Quick Reaction Rebounds

#8: Ranford’s Reaction Drill

#9: Dallas’ Reaction Drill


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Defense

#1: Athletic Position (“Balance” & “Footwork”)

#2: Monkey In The Middle (“Sticks Up”)

#3A: On-Ball Shadowing (“Closed Stance”)

#3B: Off-Ball Shadowing (“Open Stance”)

#4: Shot Blocking (“Close The Gap”)

#5A: Rollies Partner “Box Out” Drill

#5B: Rebound Box-Out Drill

#6: 4 Corner Checking (“Top-Side Defense”)

#7: “Recover” Top-Side

#8: “Trail Check” Drill

#9 - #9: “Get On Hands” Drill

#10: Turn & Clamp Drill (“Head On A Swivel”)

#11: “Communicate” The Pick & React

#12A: 2 Vs. 2 On-Ball (High/Low “Walling”)

#12B: 2 Vs. 2 Off-Ball

#13A: Off-Ball “Help” (Fixed)

#13B: Off-Ball “Help” (Dynamic)

#14A: Continuous 5 Vs. 5

#14B: 5 Vs. 5 Build Up

#15A: 5 vs. 5 – Sorting (“Short Change”)

#15B: 5 vs. 5 – Sorting (“Long Change”)

#16A: “Double” Teaming (Playing “Sides”)

#16B: Open-Floor Double-Teaming (“Angling”)

Loose Balls

Fundamental Skills Analysis: Loose Balls & Face-Offs

#1A: “Stationary” Pick-Ups

#1B: “Dynamic” Pick-Ups

#2: Rolling (“Attacking”) A Ball With A Partner

#3: Repetitive “Loose Balls On-The-Run”

#4: “Broken Play” Loose Balls

#5: Loose Ball “Reaction Drill”

#6: Loose Ball With “Pressure”

#7: Transition Shot Loose Ball

#8: Loose Ball With “Support”

#9: Loose Ball to Long Pass

#10: Loose Ball “Battles”

#11: Face-Off Scrum


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Cradling

#1: “Stationary/Dynamic” Cradling

#2: Cradling Around Pylons (“Side-to-Side”)

#3: Cradling “Traffic” Shuttle

#4: “Open Floor” Cradling/Checking

#5: The Gauntlet (“Ball Protection”)

#6: “Power Cradle” (Bull-Dodge)


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Stickwork

#1: Passing Against The Boards “Wall Ball”

#2: “Partner Passing”

#3: Loose Balls/Catching “On-The-Run”

#4: Partner Passing On-The-Run

#5A: “Step” & Shoot

#5B: “Carousel” & Shoot

#5C: “Sweep” Shot

#6A: Catch & Shoot

#6B: Catch, “Face Dodge” & “Skip Pass”

#6C: “Adjacent Shot” & “Finish” In Front

#7: “Off-Balance” Offensive Footwork

#8: “Post Up” Offense-Defense

#9A: “Quick Stick” (Passing)

#9B: Quick Stick (Shooting)

#9C: Square Drill (“Keep It Hot”)

#10A: Callum’s Offensive Stickwork/Footwork Patterns

#10B: Callum’s Offensive Stickwork/Footwork Patterns


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Transition

#1A: Basic Out & Up (“Get To The Middle”)

#1B: Basic Out & Up (“Run It Deep”)

#2A: Dougie T’s LB With A “Breakout” Pass

#2B: Dougie T’s LB With A “Fast-Break” Pass

#3A: 2 Player Out & Ups (“Head-Man”)

#3B: 2 Player Out & Ups (“Support”)

#3C: 2 Player Out & Ups (“Slow-Break”)

#3D: Multiple Player Out & Ups

#4: Standard Breakout Drill

#5A: Walt’s Partial Breakaway Drill

#5B: Partial Breakaway Drill (With A Pass)

#6A: Eddie’s Championship Drill

#6B: Championship Drill (Long Pass)

#6C: Championship Drill (Run It Deep)

#6D: Championship Drill (“Run In Two’s”)

#7A: 2-On-1’s & 3-On-2’s From Centre

#7B - Broken Play 2-On-1's & 3-On-2's

#7C: 2-On-1 & 3-On-2 Mash Ups

#8: 3-On-2 Into 2-On-1

#9: West Genny Drill

#10B: Continuous 3-On-2’s (With A Chaser)

#11: Open Floor 4-On-3 Breakdown

#12: Lazy/Soft Press Drill


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Offense

#0: Motion Offense – Skeleton (“Get It Low”)

#1A: “Give & Go’s” (Point & Shooter)

#1B: “Give & Go’s” (Shooter & Crease)

#2: Off-Ball “Cutters”

#3A: On-Ball “Cycle & Fill”

#3B: Off-Ball Cycle & “Support”

#4: “Seal/Screen” The Shooter

#5A: Off-Ball “Pick & Roll” (Down-Pick)

#5B: Off-Ball Pick & Roll (Up-Pick)

#5C: Alberta Off-Ball Pick Variations (1 & 2)

#5D: Alberta Off-Ball Pick Variations (3 & 4)

#6: Six Nations Shuffle (Off-Ball Picks)

#7A: On-Ball Skeleton Pick & Rolls

#7B: On-Ball Dummy Pick & Roll

#8: Offensive Zone “2-On-1’s”

#9: Six Nations Shuffle (On-Ball Picks)

#10: “3 Player Cycling”

#11A: Off-Ball “Pick & Pop”

#11B: On-Ball Pick & Pop Variations

#12: Seneca “Re-Pick” Drill


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Games

#1: 52 pick up

#2: Follow The Leader

#3: Cradling Relay (East-West)

#4: Cradling Relay (North-South)

#5: Sharks & Minnows

#6: King’s Court

#7: Lax Darts

#8: Progressive Passing (“Egg Toss”)

#9: Long Shot Game

#10: Group Monkey In The Middle

#11: Face-Off Challenge

#12: Shot-On-The-Run Relay

#13: Catch On The Run Game

#14: Tennis Ball Tag/Dodgeball

#15: American Gladiator

#16: Square Relay

#17: Scoop, Pass & Catch Relay

#18: Agility Relay

#19: Loose Ball Numbers Game

#20: Lax Baseball

#21: Small-Sided Games

#22: Pull It All Together Relay

#23: Keep Away

#24: Team Face-Off Game

#25: Titans Lax Tennis

#26: Lax Football


Fundamental Skills Analysis: Cardio

#1: Rabbit Run

#2: Bench Runs

#3: Stops & Starts

#4: General Sprint-Agility Footwork

#5: Linds’ Compete Drills

#6: T’s Chase & Be Chased

#7: Edmonton Off-Ball Drill

#8A: Sprint-Specific Interval Training (Variation #1)

#8B: Sprint-Specific Interval Training (Variation #2)

#8C: Sprint-Specific Interval Training (Variation #3)

#8D: Sprint-Specific Interval Training (Variation #4)

#9A: Defensive Specific – Special Endurance (200m Shuttle Run)

#9B: Offensive-Specific: Special Endurance (Off-Ball Stamina)




Intro To Systems

#1: 3 Back Face-Off Set

#2: Basic “House” Defense

#3: Two-Way System (Lines)

#4: Motion Offense (“Timing Offense”)

#5: Helping Man-To-Man Defense

#6: Box + 1 Zone

#7: Standard Breakout

#8: Fast Breaks (Lanes & Spacing

#9: 32 Face-Off Set

#10: Offense-Defense (Platooning) System

#11: Lazy Press

#12: 3-2 Transition System

#13: Dingo’s Mid Board Cycle (“Spread Offense”)

#14: Linds’ Drive Down Cycle (“Knock ‘Em Back Offense”)

#15: Press-Up/Half-Floor Trap

#16: Defensive Shift

#17: Hall’s 3-2 East-West Zone

#18: Freelance Offense

#19: Force (Pressure) Down Defense

#20: Half Floor-Man Press

#21: Goody’s Full-Floor Press

#22: 4-10-4 Transition System

#23: 6-6-6 Transition System

Power Plays

Power Play Intro

5-On-4 Box Play #1A (“Point Drag”) & Play #1B (“Fake Drag”

5-On-4 Box Play #2A ("Pick the Shooter") & Play #2B ("Pick the Shooter - Roll")

5-On-4 Box Play #3A (Skip Pass & Cut) & Play #3B (Skip Pass & Fill)

5-On-4 Box Play #4A & Play #4B (“Dice”)

5-On-4 Box Play #5A (“Point Down-Pick”) & Play #5B (“Crease Up-Pick”)

5-On-4 Box Play #6A (“Sneak Overload”) & Play #6B (“Sneak Soft Spot”)

5-On-4 Box Play #7A & #7B “Behind The Net Plays”

5-On-4 Box Play #8 (“Dunk Play”) & Play #9A (“Scissors”)

5-On-4 Box Play #9B & Play #9C (“Scissor Variations”)

5-On-4 Box Play #10A (“Crease Drag”) & Play #10B (“Create Passing Lane”)

5-On-4 Box Play #11A (“Wheel”) & Play #11B (“Cycle Behind”)

5-On-4 Box Play #11C (“Multiple Dump Passes”) & Play #12A (“Both Shooters Seal”)

5-On-4 Box Play #12B (“Double Up-Pick”) & Play #13 (“Double Up & Down Pick”)

5-On-4 Diamond Play #1A (“Strong-Side Double Seal”) & Play #1B (“Dice – Picking/Waiting”)

5-On-4 Diamond Play #2A (“Point Seal Crease”) & Play #2B (“Seal The Point”)

4-On-3 Triangle Play #1A (“Crease Up-Pick”) & Play #1B (“Double Up-Pick”)

4-On-3 Triangle Play #2A (“Down-Pick Give & Go”) & Play #2B (“Down-Pick Crease Isolation”)

5-On-3 Triangle Play #1A (“Middle Screen Shot”) & Play #1B (“Up-Pick Overload”)

5-On-3 Triangle Play #2A (“Double Up-Pick”) & Play #2B (“Back-Door Skip Pass”)



Short Handed

Short Handed Intro (Box, Diamond, Triangle)

Rotating Box "Jump Box"

"Rotating Diamond" (Rotations #1 & #2)

"Rotating Diamond" (Rotations #3 & #4)

"Rotating Triangle" (Rotations #1 & #2)

"Rotating Triangle" (Rotation #3 & #4)

Set Plays

Intro To Set Plays

6-On-5 Play #1A "Pick Bench-Side Shooter" & Play #1B "Pick The Point"

6-On-5 Play #2A ("Middle Stack 1") & Play #2B ("Middle Stack 2")

6-On-5 Play #3A ("Behind The Net Play 1") & Play #3B ("Behind The Net Play 2")

6-On-5 Play #4A "Crease Overload" & Play #4B "Shooter Overload"

6-On-5 Play #5A ("Seal The Box") & Play #5B ("Double Scissors")

5-On-5 Play #1A ("Delay") & Play #1B ("Iso")

5-On-5 Play #2A ("Double Post") & Play #2B ("Triple Post")

5-On-5 Play #3A ("Phoenix") & Play #3B ("2Pac")


Situations Intro

6-On-5 Ball Back Situation #1

6-On-5 Ball Back Situation #2

4-On-5 Offensive Strategy ("Ragging the Ball")

4-On-5 Defensive Strategy "Defending The Rag"

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