Transition Drill #1B: Basic Out & Up (“Run It Deep”)
- Demo (1 min): "Running it Deep," "Late" Transition
- Start with two lines of players, left’s and rights or mixed (if advanced), in one end of the floor (facing up-floor), on both sides of crease, with one line having balls and the other being without.
- Balls should alternate which side of the floor they start on each time through the drill, with the line passing the balls always being the one opposite to the bench side ("away from the bench"). The player at the front of the line with balls starts at the shooter position (or crease position) and the first player in the other line of players (without balls), starts at the crease position.
*Variation #1 (10 min): "Run It Deep." The first player in line rolls their ball to the goalie, runs to the mid-boards (Variation #1A) or restraining-line (Variation #1B) and then cuts back to the ball ("button hook") receiving a pass from the goalie.
After the player who started the play receives the pass, the player on the bench-side without a ball takes off running at a speed that will allow them to come into the play as a "trailer" in the far-end. An experienced coach can also help with the "timing" of the trailer, who is ideally running full speed into the offensive zone; but they may need to "slow up" prior to that in order to get the timing right.
The player with the ball should then "run it deep" to the mid-boards in the far-end (far-side) and passes to the trailer who cuts down the middle for a shot. (Draw Diagram)
Variation #2 (10 min): "Bench-Side Recovery." A bench-side recovery refers to what happens when a bench-side defensive players gets a loose ball or receives a pass as the "emergency outlet." This drill is similar to the above variations except the goalie passes to the bench-side player, who sprints towards the far-door on the bench and then button hooks back to the ball (as if an offensive player supporting the ball coming off the bench in the 1st/3rd period). After catching the pass on the bench-side, this player runs the ball towards the middle and passes to the player on the far-side, who runs it deep and passes back to the bench-side player who runs into the zone as the hypothetical trailer.
*Variation #3 (10 min): "Light Pressure." Same as the above variations except a coach, volunteer player, or the player who just passed applies "light" pressure on the player that runs it deep (Variation #3A) who is attempting to pass; perhaps also pressuring the pass from the goalie (Variation #3B), alone or in tandem. A third coach is also able to stand in the middle of the defensive zone; forcing the player receiving the trailer pass to have to "make a move" (Variation #3C) on their way to the net.
*Variation #4 (10 min): "Scrambled." This advanced variation could be applied to any of the above variations, whereby players must start on a different side of the floor each time through the drill, with a mix of lefts and rights on both sides of the floor, ultimately leaving an undetermined number of players on their wrong floor-side; having to "drift" in order to get off a quality shot.
*Variation #5 (10 min): "Game To 7." To add competition, play a game of lefty’s versus righty’s up to 7 goals, losing team does push-ups, sit-ups, body weight squats, sprints, etc.
*Variation #6 (10 min): "No Drops/No Misses Game." For every ball that is dropped and/or misses the net during the drill players will have to sprint from one side-board (or end-board) to the other. For every goal that is scored, one sprint is removed from the total, with goalies having to run if the players keep their sprint total at or below zero.
*Most common error = not running all the way to the half board (instead "stopping short" or "creeping" into the middle)
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