Loose Ball Drill #2: Rolling (“Attacking”) A Ball With A Partner
- Demo (1 min): "Attacking" the Ball
- *Variation #1 (5 min): "Loose Ball." Have players line up in pairs 10-15 metres apart, rolling (underhand motion - with their hand if necessary) a ball back and forth. Keep track of the number of successfully completed loose balls in a minute.
- As players progress, coaches can have players practice different techniques ("scoop," "scoop, tuck & turn," "scoop to triple-threat position," scoop-to-triple threat-to-tuck & turn); also having players give their partner some trickier bounces.
*Variation #2 (3 min): "Loose Ball & Cradle." Same as the drill variation above except one partner scoops the loose ball and then cradles around the partner that rolled them the ball, back to their original position; alternating back and forth (Variation #2A). Coaches can jump in between any two players at random and try to "strip" the ball. Otherwise, the player without the ball may be permitted to try and strip the ball from their partner as they cradle around them (Variation #2B).
Variation #3 (3 min): "Loose Balls Away." The player without the ball runs towards their partner until they are parallel, at which point they turn and run back towards where they just came from.
As this happens, the partner then slowly rolls the ball away from them (aiming for halfway towards where they just came from). That player picks up the loose ball and runs back to their original spot; the other partner then repeats the same protocol.
*Variation #4 (3 min): "Batting & Kicking." One partner bats or kicks the ball to the other partner (could also mix the two actions), who attacks the loose ball and then back-pedals back to the starting position.
*Most common error = waiting for the ball to arrive instead of pursuing it forward
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