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totLax - U7 Plan 4 - Snakes

Equipment Needed:  3x3 Nets (Or Garbage Cans Turned On Their Side = Snake Mouths), Helmets & Gloves,Sticks, Lacrosse Balls, Soft Lacrosse Balls, 4-8 Gym Mats (For "Falling" Drills - 4 Per End), 2 Mini Goalie Sticks, Portable Speaker, Duct Tape, Coloured Pylons, Whistle, Wooden Talking Stick (Optional = Reptile Costumes)

*Note - 3x3 Nets With An 8-Foot Crease Are Recommended (Creases = Snake Bite Zone!  Can't Cross The Line Or You Get Bit!) - Goalies Are Optional

Recommended Video (for kids to watch prior to practice):  "The Two-Headed Serpent:  A Story from the Squamish Nation"

Recommended Book (for kids to read prior to practice):  "I'm Dreaming"

See:  Apple Music Playlist for associated audio clips

**DJ - remember to run an audio test for speaker settings and how far away from the speaker you can be on bluetooth

- Coach Roles:  2 Drill Leaders (Alternating Each Drill), 2 Drill Helpers (Organizing The Kids), 1 DJ (Controlling Audio), 1+ Designated "Kid Managers" For Any Difficult Kids
- Words of Wisdom:  Re-direct - change activities, talk to them, don’t say no, exercise patience, don’t talk too much, the less instructions the better
- 1 Coach Whistle = everyone stop what they are doing
- 2 Coach Whistles = run in and have a seat (coaches take a knee)
- Consider:  Inviting all or some of the parents onto the floor to help out, especially if their kid needs extra attention. Also consider making it mandatory for at least one parent to be present
- Advice:  Make it your own.  Re-name drills to suit your own version of the story.  Anything goes.
- 4 phases of a movement:  preparation (1), force production (2), critical instant (3), follow through (4)

***All players may be given the opportunity to try goalie using the mini goalie stick in any of the shooting drills (switch to soft balls)

Cradling Skills Analysis Link
Shooting Skills Analysis Link
Static Stretching Link

5 Senses:
Touch - Wooden Lacrosse Stick, India Rubber Balls, Hand Drum
Taste - Gummy Snakes
Smell - Lacrosse Equipment, Arena, Lacrosse Ball
Sight - First Nation Representation (Guests, Traditional Clothes, Arts & Crafts, etc.) & Reptile Costumes and/or Cardboard Cut Outs
Hearing - See Drill Audio Clips For Each Drill (Kids Can Also Be Encouraged To Make Snake Sounds)




  1. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Sit in the "Listening Circle" at centre floor - utilize the talking stick
    Playlist:  "Snake" audio clips (6)

    Beginning of story:
    - Snakes have been around for over 100 million years
    - Snakes exist everywhere in there world except for Antartica
    - Can you name any kinds of snakes? Rattlesnake, Guarder Snake, Cobra, Anaconda.
    - Today we are going to hiss and slither around like a snake, including in our first drill...
  2. Cardio Drill #1: Rabbit Run (With Balls)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Roaming Snake Guarding It's Territory"
    Playlist:  "Snake" audio clips (6)

    Variation #1B:  "Single Line" (With Balls)
    - Re-Hash (1 min):  "Cradling"
    - Start with the entire team in a line along the boards (1 metre away from each other).
    - Players jog at the same speed around the outside of the box, with the player at the back of the line sprinting up to the front of the line (with balls - cradling).
    - Once this player reaches the front of the line, the next player at the back of the line begins their sprint. The only rule is no stepping in the crease.
    - Be sure to have the lines switch directions at the halfway point of the jog.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  3. Warm Up

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "The Snakes Warm Up"
    Playlist:  "Snake" audio clips (6)

    Example Dynamic Movements:
    - Touch your toes then take a step (or jump) forward
    - Squiggle forward using your arms and entire body
    - Lunges forward - alternating legs (dragging your shins)
    - Swimmers - lay on your stomach and raise opposite arm/leg
    - Roll out your ankles
    - Stick your tongue and make a snake face!!!
  4. Stickwork Drill #5A: "Step" & Shoot

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Throwing Spears at the Snake"
    Playlist:  "Arrow Battle" audio clip any time a player hits the net with their shot

    Variation #1 (4 min):  "L-Shot"
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  "L-Shot"
    - Begin with a line of left-handed and a line of right-handed players on their proper floor sides, at the shooter positions, in one or both ends of the floor; both lines with balls (except for the first rep - done without balls).  Use pylons to mark out footwork patterns.
    - The first player in either line takes a hitch-step toward the board-side, planting off of their outside leg and cutting toward the middle (2-3 steps max), "setting" their feet ("perpendicular" to the net) for an outside shot.
    - The opposite line then takes a turn, alternating back and forth, giving the goalie 1-2 seconds in between reps to re-set.
    - After several reps:  add gym mats in the area the kids are likely to shoot from (if you have them) and have them roll onto the gym mat after shooting (imagining that they ran into somebody after shooting).  Teach them to absorb the fall with as much surface area as possible and turn it into a "roll and stand" back up as quick as possible.
    - Most common error = shooting off of the back foot instead of stepping into the shot.

    Variation #2 (4 min): "Drag Shot"
    - Demo (30 sec): "Drag Shot"
    *bottom diagram*
    - The first player in either line takes a a jab-step to the top-side planting off of their inside leg and pivoting into a back-pedal ("drag") toward the "board-side."  At this point the player should re-establish their momentum towards the net (north-south) and take a shot while still in the prime scoring area.
    - After several reps:  add gym mats in the area the kids are likely to shoot from (if you have them) and have them roll onto the gym mat after shooting (imagining that they ran into somebody after shooting).  Teach them to absorb the fall with as much surface area as possible and turn it into a "roll and stand" back up as quick as possible.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  5. Stickwork Drill #5B: "Carousel" & Shoot (On-Ball)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Running From The Snake - Turning And Throwing Spear"
    Playlist:  "Arrow Battle" audio clip any time a player hits the net with their shot

    Variation #1A:  "Carry High & Shoot"
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Body Momentum," "Quick Release"
    - Arrange players in one or both ends of the floor depending on numbers.
    - Have them stationed on their proper floor sides, at the crease position on both sides of the floor.  Other players set to go in this drill should be in the corners.
    - The first player on one side of the floor carries the ball from low to high, from the crease position up to the shooter position, and then steps into a set-shot.
    - Pylons should also be used as a landmark for players to curl around, being sure that they have their "head up" looking at the middle while "carrying high."
    - Most common error = not re-establishing momentum back towards the net before shooting
  6. Warm-Up Drill #6: "Snake" Shooting

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Mythical Snake - Spitting Flames - From Far"
    Playlist:  "Monster Sound" "The Haunted House" & "Fright Night" audio clips

    Variation #1 (5 min):  "High Variations"
    *top diagram*
    - Begin in one or both ends of the floor, with lines of lefts and rights on their proper floor side.

    - The first player in one of the lines leads a group toward the net, either lefts or rights, with one group going then the other. The next player in line goes after the player in front is approximately 5 metres (1-2 seconds) ahead.  Another option is to send 1 player at a time; alternating sides each rep.
    - Encourage players to try to hit the net on the first couple of shots.  After that, players can work on their accuracy, shooting "around the pipes" and picking corners.
    - Start with lines of players near where the rag line meets the inside lane (Variation #1A), or in the outside lane wide of the shooter position (Variation #1B).
    - In Variation #1A, shots should be taken on-the-run while moving from north-south in orientation.
    - In Variation #1B, shots should be taken "on the run" while “sweeping” east-west in orientation.
    - Each group should go twice from each of these 2 spots, which allows for two goalies to get shots from each area. The second rep of each variation have them "fall and roll" onto a gym mat if you have access to some.
    - Both variations should have players shooting from a relatively short distance away based on their age; use a pylon as a marker if necessary.
    - Assistant coaches should collect balls to help “reload” the players after each time through the drill.
    - Most common error = using mostly arms to shoot instead of rotating hips/shoulders (trunk) for power

    Variation #2 (4 min):  "Low Variations"
    *bottom diagram*
    - Same as above except start with lines at the mid-boards (Variation #2A) or at/near where GLE meets the side-boards (Variation #2B).
    - In Variation #2A, players should sweep east-west through the middle and take a shot-on-the-run, and in Variation #2B players "crease walk" east-west across the front of the net.
    - Coaches can place a stick on the floor as a marker if players are shooting from their wrong floor side ("crossing the imaginary line").
    - Water Break = 1 min
  7. Stickwork Drill #8A: "Finishing In Front"

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Mythical Snake - Spitting Flames - From Close"
    Playlist:  "Monsters of Halloween" audio clip

    Variation #1B: "In-Tight Finish"
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Finishing In Front"
    - Players start lined up on their proper floor side crease position, with balls already in their sticks; the drill alternating from side to side each rep.
    - One player from each line should be positioned facing the net, on a 45 degree angle from the near-side post, before eventually stepping towards the far-side of an imaginary goaltender, trying to shoot the ball off of the far-post and into the net.
  8. Goaltending Drill #4A: Breakaway Competition

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Mythical Snake - Spitting Flames - Rodents Blocking"
    Playlist:  "A Thirst For Blood," "Goya's Revenge" & "Hell On Wheels" audio clips

    Variation #1A:  "For Fun"
    - Demo (30 sec):  Banana Curl (Mark With Pylons - Not Shown In Diagram)
    - Have players line up in two groups, at centre-floor, with one group lined up facing the net at one end and the other group facing the opposite end.  Divide teams up as lefties and righties.
    - Put coaches in net for a breakaway competition.
  9. Games Drill #19: Small-Sided Games (2 Vs. 2)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Serpents Vs. Rodents"
    Playlist:  "Dark Hallway, "Headless Horseman" & "Snake" (3) Audio Clips Depending On What's Happening In The Game

    Variation #1:  "2 Vs. 2" (or 1 vs. 1 depending on numbers)
    - Arrange two teams equally on both sides of the restraining line, in both ends of the floor depending on numbers; with players facing into the defensive zone.
    - On one side of the restraining line is “Snakes” and on the opposite side is “The Rodents”
    - Move the nets against the side-boards, halfway between the goal-line and restraining line.
    - The first two players in line on each team enters the drill, starting with a face-off or loose ball.  If it's a loose ball, have players enter from the defensive side, closest to the goalie.
    - Shift length can be timed intervals (1 or 2 minutes), players can change when a goal is scored or at the coaches discretion.  COACHES CAN ALSO WORK ON LINE CHANGES ON THE FLY USING 2 DIFFERENT COLOURED PYLONS AS LAND MARKS (WALK THROUGH WITH NO BALL THEN PLAY WITH BALL).
    - If at any point during the games the ball is near the restraining line, the players not in the drill should be encouraged to "bat the ball" back into play, helping establish good "flow" in the drill.
    - Players shoot the ball into the open net for a goal.
    - Before the game starts have the players point to what net they need to score on.
  10. Cool Down

    DRILL #
    - Circle at centre floor
    - Static Stretches (Legs) - if there's time

    End of the Story:
    - A lot of people are scared of snakes and your best not to touch them
    - Most snakes aren't poisonous and play a role in pest control
    - They are also prey for Hawks, Eagles, Weasels, Foxes and More
    - Moral of the story - every being has it's place in "The Circle of Life"

    - Pass around the "talking stick" for kids to say what they liked most about today's lesson
    - Start the fire with their sticks (Playlist = "Forest Fire" audio clip)
    - Snacks:  Gummy Snakes
    - Homework:  50 Shots-On-The-Run Against A Brick Wall (Use A Chalked On 3 Feet x 3 Feet Net)

Level #2

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