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totLax - U7 Plan 5 - Clown School

Equipment Needed:  3x3 Nets, Helmets & Gloves, Sticks, Lacrosse Balls, Soft Lacrosse Balls, 2 Mini Goalie Sticks, Portable Speaker, Duct Tape, Coloured Pylons, Whistle, Wooden Talking Stick, (Optional = Clown Costumes)

*Note - 3x3 Nets With An 8-Foot Crease Are Recommended - Goalies Are Optional*

Recommended Video (for kids to watch prior to practice):  "Bart Goes To Clown School"

Recommended Book (for kids to read prior to practice):  "Clown Colouring Book For Kids"

See:  Apple Music Playlist for associated audio clips

**DJ - remember to run an audio test for speaker settings and how far away from the speaker you can be on bluetooth

- Coach Roles:  2 Drill Leaders (Alternating Each Drill), 2 Drill Helpers (Organizing The Kids), 1 DJ (Controlling Audio), 1+ Designated "Kid Managers" For Any Difficult Kids
- Words of Wisdom:  Re-direct - change activities, talk to them, don’t say no, exercise patience, don’t talk too much, the less instructions the better
- 1 Coach Whistle = everyone stop what they are doing
- 2 Coach Whistles = run in and have a seat (coaches take a knee)
- Consider:  Inviting all or some of the parents onto the floor to help out, especially if their kid needs extra attention. Also consider making it mandatory for at least one parent to be present
- Advice:  Make it your own.  Re-name drills to suit your own version of the story.  Anything goes.
- 4 phases of a movement:  preparation (1), force production (2), critical instant (3), follow through (4)

Loose Ball Skills Analysis Link
Cradling Skills Analysis Link
Passing/Shooting/Catching Skills Analysis Link
Static Stretching Link

5 Senses:
Touch - Wooden Lacrosse Stick, India Rubber Balls, Hand Drum
Taste - Carnival Food - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Popcorn, Treats (Candy)
Smell - Fire (Sacred Fire Burning Upon At Arena Entrance), Lacrosse Equipment, Arena
Sight - First Nation Representation (Guests, Traditional Clothes, Arts & Crafts, etc.), Clown Costumes and/or Cardboard Cut Outs, Clown-Base Story Books
Hearing - See Drill Audio Clips For Each Drill (Kids Can Also Be Encouraged To Make The Clown Sounds)





  1. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Sit in the "Listening Circle" at centre floor - utilize the talking stick
    Playlist:  "A Laughing Fool"

    - Welcome to clown school.  You are all trying out to be in the circus!!!
    - We will have a carnival at the end of practice showing your lacrosse tricks you learned.  And of course, have some fun!!!
  2. Warm Up Drill #2A: Loose Ball Line Shuttles (Straight)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Clown School" - Pick up your toy (stick or ball, or both) and do a trick with it (twirl - spin, head fake, jump) - 1 min
    Playlist:  "Ping Pong," "Creepo the Clown," "Calliope Circus Music" & "Circus" audio clips

    Variation #1A/#1B:  "Loose Ball Shuttle" (Scoop/Trap & Scoop)
    - Have players lined up in two lines facing each other (approximately 15 metres apart), near the shooter positions, in one or both ends of the floor.
    - The first player in each line begins with a short run forward (one being in possession of the ball), being sure not to leave too early (which can disrupt the timing of the drill).
    - Start with a "stationary loose ball," with players scooping, and later "trap & scooping," the ball and then placing it back down in the same spot (middle of the shuttle) before running to the back of the opposite line (Variation #1A - 2 min).
    - Next, have players roll a loose ball to the line across from them, then run to the back of the line that they rolled it to (Variation #1B - 2 min).
    - Most common error = the timing of the drill can be thrown off if players leave their line too early/late
  3. Warm Up

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "The Circus Warm Up"
    Playlist: "Old Style Organ," "Kids Playing" & "Witch's Laugh" audio clips (3x consecutively)

    - Introduce Basic Gymnastics - Rolling (from quadruped - "all fours") & Tumbling (standing, falling backward) - without & with a stick
  4. Stickwork Drill #2: "Partner Passing"

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Juggling"
    Playlist:  "Crowd Applause" & "Crowd Saying Wow" Audio Clips Whenever Somebody Catches The Ball

    Variation #1 (4 min):  "Stationary Passing & Catching"
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  Catching ("Soft Hands" - Catching An Egg Example) & Passing
    - Work on just stationary catching to begin with; give every player a ball and have them toss it up in the air a few times, trying to get a feel for catching it over their shoulder (Variation #1A - 1 min).
    - Next, arrange players in two rows, 3-5 metres apart, removing a ball from one partner, with the other partner underhand passing the ball (with their bare hand) to the other partner who tries to catch it in the triple threat position using "soft hands."
    - Each player should get at least 5-10 quality attempts to catch the ball in this fashion (Variation #1B - 2 min).
    - Identify players that are having trouble catching and/or passing, pulling them aside in small groups of players that have a similar problem (catching or passing).
    - Most common error = not giving a target to the passer and/or not calling for a pass

    Variation #2 (2 min):  "Long Pass"
    *bottom diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Crow Hop" (Outfielder In Baseball Analogy)
    - Move next to 5-10 metres (then 15-20 metres).  On longer passes have young players start with a crow hop, similar to a long throw to home plate in baseball.
    - Players should be encouraged to use the overhand passing technique, which is by far the most accurate.
    - As players get farther away from each other the release point (where the ball comes out of the stick) will have to be further behind the players head (ear) in order for the pass to make it to the target in the air; especially for younger/weaker players.
    - Most common error = players releasing the ball too far in front of their body
  5. Cradling Drill #3A: Cradling/Dodging Around Pylons ("Side-To-Side")

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Circus Gymnastics"
    Playlist:  "Circus Organ" At The Start Of The Drill & Then "Cartoon Music," "Male Yelling," "Snare Drum," "Cartoon Jazz" & "Chinese Accent" audio clips randomly throughout the drill

    Variation #1 (2 min):  "Speed & Agility Build Up"
    - Re-Hash (30 sec):  "Cradling," "Ball Protection"
    - Arrange pylons into any straight, zig-zag or combined formation, within an imaginary lengthwise half of the floor.
    - Have players line up behind the goal-line, in opposite corners, in opposite ends, to start.
    - Starting at walking speed, emphasize the coordination of walking and cradling.  Work up to 50 percent speed, having players weave through the pylons, being sure to "protect the ball."
    - Increase to 75-90 percent speed the next few times through the pylons, once satisfactory technique is established.
    - The next player doesn’t go until the first player is around the second pylon.
    - At the end of the drill players take an outside shot on the net (mark the recommended distance with a pylon).

    Variation #2 (5 min):  "Make A Move"
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Face Dodge," "Roll Dodge"
    - Have players practice each dodge while standing still with a ball & then with a short run.
    - Arrange pylons and/or coaches into any straight, zig-zag or combined formation, within an imaginary lengthwise half of the floor.
    - Have players line up behind the goal-line, in opposite corners, in opposite ends, to start. Start at 50 percent speed, having players run up to each cone and making a basic offensive move.  "Face dodge," or "roll dodge (left & right)," around the outside of the pylons, being sure to protect the ball.
    - Increase to 75-100 percent speed the second/third time through the pylons, once satisfactory technique is established.
    - The next player doesn’t go until the first player is around the second pylon.
    - At the end of the drill players take an outside shot on the net (mark the recommended distance with a pylon).
  6. Stickwork Drill #5A: "Step" & Shoot

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Nailing Your Joke" - Players Stay On Their "Comedy Team" For All Remaining Drills
    Playlist:  "Super Funny," "Laughing Male," "Crowd Crying Laughing" & "Medium Indoor Concert" audio clips whenever a player hits the net with their shot

    Variation #1 (2 min):  "L-Shot"
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  "L-Shot"
    - Begin with a line of left-handed and a line of right-handed players on their proper floor sides, at the shooter positions, in one or both ends of the floor; both lines with balls. Use pylons to mark out footwork patterns.
    - The first player in either line takes a hitch-step toward the board-side, planting off of their outside leg and cutting toward the middle (2-3 steps max), "setting" their feet ("perpendicular" to the net) for an outside shot.
    - After shooting have players run to the bench (marked with coloured pylons) that they will be running to in the 3 vs. 3 game; eventually rejoining the line.
    - The opposite line then takes a turn, alternating back and forth, giving the goalie 1-2 seconds in between reps to re-set.
    - Most common error = shooting off of the back foot instead of stepping into the shot.

    Play "Funny Man," "Male Laughing," Crowd Laughing" & "Medium Crowd" Audio Clips Whenever A Player Hits The Net With Their Shot

    Variation #2 (2 min):  "Drag Shot"
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Drag Shot"
    *bottom diagram*
    - The first player in either line takes a a jab-step to the top-side planting off of their inside leg and pivoting into a back-pedal ("drag") toward the "board-side."  At this point the player should re-establish their momentum towards the net (north-south) and take a shot while still in the prime scoring area.
    - After shooting have players run to the bench (marked with coloured pylons) that they will be running to in the 3 vs. 3 game; eventually rejoining the line.

    Variation #6 (5 min):  "Face Dodge/Roll Dodge"
    *not shown in diagram*
    - Same as the variations above except after the player whose turn it is performs their drag or L-shot footwork, they either face-dodge or roll dodge underneath and carry the ball toward the net for a shot "in tight."
    - See if players run to the bench (marked with coloured pylons) that they will be running to in the 3 vs. 3 game.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  7. Games Drill #15A: Loose Ball Agility Relay

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Clown Show"
    Playlist:  "Circus Theme," "Clowns On Parade," "Marching Theme" audio clips (6x consecutively)

    - Start with two, or four, relay teams in one or both ends of the floor, running the drill half-floor (half-floor shown in diagram) or full-floor in orientation.
    - If any line has uneven numbers, the line(s) with less players will have to have somebody go twice in order to make things even.
    - With four or more pylons in a straight line (or zig-zag pattern) relative to the starting line established prior to the race (perhaps marked with another pylon), add another obstacle at the mid-way point of the relay race (suggestion = two pylons with a stick laying across).
    - Position a coach at the end of the pylons, with a pile of balls close by (same number of balls as players in line).
    - The first player in each line (no balls) weaves through the pylons, jumps over or dodges around the obstacle, and weaves threw the remaining pylons, eventually body-checking the coach.  After the body check, the coach drops a loose ball near the side-boards and the player must scoop the ball and run straight to the back of the line they started in before the next player can go (Variation #1A - 2 min).
    - Continue the race until every player has gone; the first team with all players sitting down with their ball in their stick, wins.
    - Another option is for players to have to run a weave back through the pylons and obstacle, before sitting down at the back of the line with their ball (Variation #1B - 2 min).
    - Water Break = 1 min
  8. Games Drill #3B: Cradling Relay Races (North-South)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Run Away From The Crazy Clown"
    Playlist:  "Evil Clown” audio clip

    Variation #1B:  "Weave"
    - Create a lengthwise (north-south) pylon formation on both sides of the floor and arrange players into 2 (lengthwise) or 4 (widthwise) lines of equal numbers (ideally no more than 5 players per line), in one or both ends of the floor.
    - If any line has uneven numbers, the line(s) with less players will have to have somebody go twice in order to make things even.
    - Have a relay race zig-zagging around the pylons, with players touching the far-end boards then sprinting back to the start, while cradling the ball with the best technique possible.
    - After cradling through the pylons, roll the ball to the ball to the next player in line; the next player cannot go until the player ahead of them crosses goal-line-extended.
    - Continue the drill until every player has gone.
    - The first team with everyone sitting down wins the relay race.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  9. Games Drill #19: Small-Sided Games (3 Vs. 3)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Carnival Day"
    Playlist:  "Circus Music" audio clip at the start of the drill & "Trumpet Fanfare," "Mouth Harp," "Cartoon Dance," "Cartoon Head," "Twirly Wurly," "Sproing," "Comedy Circus" & "Jeopardy" when the pass is dropped & "Studio Crowd" when the pass is caught

    Variation #1:  "3 Vs. 3"
    - Arrange two teams equally on both sides of the restraining-line, in one or both ends of the floor depending on numbers; with players facing into the defensive zone.
    - On one side of the restraining line is “Team 1” and on the opposite side is “Team 2” (make more creative names if possible).
    - Move the nets against the side-boards, halfway between the goal-line and restraining line.
    - The first 3 players in line on each team enter the drill, starting with a face-off or loose ball.  If it's a loose ball, have players enter from the defensive side, closest to the goalie.
    - Shift length can be timed intervals (1 or 2 minutes), players can change when a goal is scored or at the coaches discretion.  COACHES CAN ALSO WORK ON LINE CHANGES ON THE FLY USING 2 DIFFERENT COLOURED PYLONS AS LAND MARKS (WALK THROUGH WITH NO BALL THEN PLAY WITH BALL).
    - If at any point during the games the ball is near the restraining line, the players not in the drill should be encouraged to "bat the ball" back into play, helping establish good "flow" in the drill.
    - If there is no goalies, players can shoot the ball into the open net (or off the post) for a goal.
    - Before the game starts have the players point to what net they need to score on.
  10. Cool Down

    DRILL #
    - Clown school was a major success! Everyone made it to the circus and had a lot of fun, which was the main goal.

    - Pass around the "talking stick" for kids to say what they liked most about today's lesson
    - Start the fire with their sticks (Playlist = "Forest Fire" audio clip)
    - Snacks:  Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Pop Corn, Treats (Candy) + Healthy Snacks!!!
    - Homework:  Try To Get 10 "Catches" Practicing With A Family Member

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