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totLax - U7 Plan 6 - Dinosaurs

Equipment Needed: 3x3 Nets, Helmets & Gloves, Sticks, Lacrosse Balls, Soft Lacrosse Balls, 2 Mini Goalie Sticks, Portable Speaker, Duct Tape, Coloured Pylons, Whistle, Wooden Talking Stick, (Optional = Dinosaur Costumes)

*Note - 3x3 Nets With An 8-Foot Crease Are Recommended - Goalies Are Optional*

Recommended Video (for kids to watch prior to practice): The Land Before Time: "It's Better To Be Friends" (

Recommended Book (for kids to read prior to practice): "Land Before Time" (

See for associated audio clips

*DJ - remember to run an audio test for speaker settings and how far away from the speaker you can be on bluetooth*


- Coach Roles: 2 Drill Leaders (Alternating Each Drill), 2 Drill Helpers (Organizing The Kids), 1 DJ (Controlling Audio), 1+ Designated "Kid Managers" For Any Difficult Kids

- Words of wisdom: Re-direct - change activities, talk to them, don’t say no, exercise patience, don’t talk too much, the less instructions the better

- 1 coach whistle = everyone stop what they are doing + 2 coach whistles = run in and have a seat (coaches take a knee)

- Consider inviting all or some of the parents onto the floor to help out, especially if their kid needs extra attention. Also consider making it mandatory for at least one parent to be present

- 4 phases of a movement: preparation (1), force production (2), critical instant (3), follow through (4)

- Passing/Shooting/Catching Skills Analysis Link:

- Static Stretching Link:

5 Senses:
- Touch - Bring In Somebodies Pet Reptile - Encourage Kids To Hold It
- Taste - Dinosaur Eggs (Cadbury Mini Eggs)
- Smell - Smell The Reptile
- Sight - Dinosaur Costumes and/or Cardboard Cut Outs + Dinosaur Story Books (Land Before Time, Jurassic Park, etc.)
- Hearing - See Drill Audio Clips For Each Drill




  1. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Sit in the "Listening Circle" at centre floor - utilize the talking stick

    "Welcome to The Land Before Time - Before Humans Existed - Do You Know Who Lived On The Planet Before Humans??? Dinosaurs!"
    "Does Anyone Know Their ABC's? We Are Going To Hear The Dinosaur ABC's!!"

    Playlist: "Them From Jurassic Park - 1:20 Onward" & "Opening Titles" As Kids Are Coming In, "Dinosaurs A to Z" After Chatting With The Kids About Dinosaurs & "Dinosaur Dinosaur" While Getting Kids Organized For The First Drill

  2. Stickwork Drill #2: Stationary Catch & Shoot (With A Coach)

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "Tyrannosaurus Rex Trying To Catch Velociraptor"
    Playlist: "Tyrannosaurus Rex," "The Best Hunter," "T-Rex Comes Very Close" "Tyranno Saurus Rex," "T-Rex Eats" & "T-Rex Versus" audio clips

    Variation #1C: "Catch & Shoot" (Bare Hand Pass)
    - Start with players in a line behind a pylon that is 7-8 metres from the side-boards. All of the left-handed players should be with one coach and the right handed players with another.
    - A coach with a pile of balls underhand passes the ball from 2-3 metress away from the first player behind the cone.
    - Each player tries to catch and shoot the ball as seamlessly as possible.
    - Each player should get at least 10 quality attempts to catch the ball in this fashion, with extra passes given for any bad passes thrown by the coach.
    - Drill Helpers need to be gathering balls to help keep the drill leaders stockpiled.

  3. Warm Up

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "Act Like A Dinosaur - Dinosaur Impressions"
    Playlist: "Dinosaur Monster Movie," Dinosaur Rumble," "Uneasy Dinosaur Truce" audio clips

    - Dynamic Stretching - pick a dinosaur: "T-Rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, Brachiosaurus, etc."

  4. Stickwork Drill #6A: Catch & Shoot (Coach Pass)

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "Brachiosaurus & Brontosaurus Eating Fruits & Vegetables From The Trees"
    Playlist: "Brontosaurus," Brachiosaurus," "Ankylosaurus," "Stegosaurus," "Triceratops," "Apatosaurus" & "Monumental" audio clips

    Variation #1A (7 min): "Coach Passers" (Shooter-To-Shooter)
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec): "Catch & Shoot"
    - Begin with a line of left-handed and a line of right-handed players on their proper floor sides, a few steps back from the shooter positions.
    - The coaches have all of the balls and are standing at one of the shooter positions, on opposite sides of the floor. One coach passes to the line of "righty" shooters and the other coach passes to the line of "lefty" shooters.
    - The first player in each line should be ready with their stick in the "triple threat position." The coach then passes to the first player in that line who attempts to catch and shoot the ball as efficiently as possible. Coaches should give players a second attempt at a catch if they miss the first pass.
    - Continue the drill until all players have had several opportunities to "catch & shoot."
    - Coaches should get players to help them "reload" every time the ball supply gets low.
    - Most common error = twirling their stick or cradling before shooting

  5. Offense Drill #1A: "Give & Go's" (Point & Shooter)

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "Pteranodons & Pterodactyls Flying Through The Sky & Catching Other Birds"
    Playlist: "Pteranodon," "Compsognthus," "Dinosaur World 3D" & "Pteranodon - Flying Dinosaur" audio clips 2x each

    Variation #1A: "Pass To Coach" (Weak-Side Pass)
    - Demo (30 sec): "Give & Go," "Pass & Cut"
    - Have players lined up a few steps back from the point position (marked with a pylon), with balls.
    - The ball carrier passes to the weak-side coach and then cuts to the middle, receiving a give-and-go pass for a shot.
    - If a player misses a pass, the coach that never passed the ball rolls a loose ball in for the same player to have a second attempt.
    - Most common error = players not cutting toward their proper side when going through the middle
    - Water Break = 1 min

  6. Games Drill #16A: Loose Ball Agility Relay

    DRILL #
    Storyline: "Velociraptor Steals The T-Rex Eggs"
    Playlist: "Velociraptor," "Raptor Noise 3," "Raptor," "Raptor Sound" & "Veloceraptor Noise" audio clips (5x consecutively)

    Variation #1A: "Agility Relay"
    - Start with two, or four, relay teams in one or both ends of the floor, running the drill half-floor (half-floor shown in diagram) or full-floor in orientation.
    - If any line has uneven numbers, the line(s) with less players will have to have somebody go twice in order to make things even.
    - With four or more pylons in a straight line (or zig-zag pattern) relative to the starting line established prior to the race (perhaps marked with another pylon), add another obstacle at the mid-way point of the relay race (suggestion = two pylons with a stick laying across).
    - Position a coach at the end of the pylons, with a pile of balls close by (same number of balls as players in line).
    - The first player in each line (no balls) weaves through the pylons, jumps over the obstacle, and weaves threw the remaining pylons, eventually body-checking the coach.
    - After the body check, the coach drops a loose ball near the side-boards and the player must scoop the ball and run straight to the back of the line they started in before the next player can go (Variation #1A).
    - Continue the race until every player has gone; the first team with all players sitting down with their ball in their stick, wins.
    - Another option is for players to have to run a weave back through the pylons and obstacle, before sitting down at the back of the line with their ball (Variation #1B).
    - Water Break = 1 min

  7. Games Drill #19: Small-Sided Games (3 Vs. 3)

    DRILL #
    Storyline: Pick Your Dinosaur - Game With 2 Teams
    - Put A Sticker On Each Players Helmet As A Reminder Of Which Dinosaur They Picked
    Playlist: "Steamy Dinosaur Habitat," "Dinosaur World," "Incident At Isla Nublar," "Dennis Steals The Embryo" & "Dinosaur Monster" audio clips (mix in sound effects "Pterodactyl,"
    "Prehistoric Bird," "Angry Prehistoric Bird," "Flight of Pterodactyls," "Dinosaur," "Smaller Dinosaur," "Large Dinosaur" & "Rampaging Dinosaur"

    Variation #1: "3 Vs. 3" (Multi Sport - Mix Soccer & European Handball Game)
    - Arrange two teams equally on both sides of the restraining line, in one or both ends of the floor depending on numbers; with players facing into the defensive/offensive zone.
    - On one side of the restraining line is “Team 1” and on the opposite side is “Team 2” (make more creative names if possible).
    - Move the nets against the side-boards, halfway between the goal-line and restraining line.
    - The first 3 players in line on each team enter the drill, starting with a loose ball. Have players enter from the defensive side, closest to the goalie.
    - Shift length can be timed intervals (1 or 2 minutes), players can change when a goal is scored or at the coaches discretion. COACHES CAN ALSO WORK ON LINE CHANGES ON THE FLY USING 2 DIFFERENT COLOURED PYLONS AS LAND MARKS.
    - If at any point during the games the ball is near the restraining line, the players not in the drill should be encouraged to "bat the ball" back into play, helping establish good "flow" in the drill.
    - If there is no goalies, players can do whatever they want (throw or kick) the ball into the open net for a goal (crease is still in effect).

  8. Cool Down

    DRILL #
    Playlist: "If We Hold On Together" audio clip
    - Circle at Centre Floor
    - Pass around the "talking stick" for kids to say what they liked most about today's lesson
    - Start the fire with their sticks (Playlist = "Forest Fire" audio clip)
    - Snacks: Cadbury Dinosaur Eggs
    - Homework: Create Your Own Agility Relay & Make A Video To Share With Your Teammates


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