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totLax - U7 Plan 7 - Dora

Equipment Needed:  3x3 Nets, Helmets & Gloves (+ Hockey Shoulder Pads), Blue Gym Mats, Sticks, Lacrosse Balls, Soft Lacrosse Balls, 2 Mini Goalie Sticks, Portable Speaker, Duct Tape, Coloured Pylons, Whistle, Wooden Talking Stick, (Optional = Hiker Themed Costumes)

*Note - 3x3 Nets With An 8-Foot Crease Are Recommended - Goalies Are Optional

Recommended Video (for kids to watch prior to practice):  "Story Time"

Recommended Book (for kids to read prior to practice):  "Dora's Storytime Collection"

See:  Apple Music Playlist

**DJ - remember to run an audio test for speaker settings and how far away from the speaker you can be on bluetooth*

- Coach Roles:  2 Drill Leaders (Alternating Each Drill), 2 Drill Helpers (Organizing The Kids), 1 DJ (Controlling Audio), 1+ Designated "Kid Managers" For Any Difficult Kids
- Words of Wisdom:  Re-direct - change activities, talk to them, don’t say no, exercise patience, don’t talk too much, the less instructions the better
- 1 Coach Whistle = everyone stop what they are doing
- 2 Coach Whistles = run in and have a seat (coaches take a knee)
- Consider:  Inviting all or some of the parents onto the floor to help out, especially if their kid needs extra attention. Also consider making it mandatory for at least one parent to be present
- Advice:  Make it your own.  Re-name drills to suit your own version of the story.  Anything goes.

- 4 phases of a movement:  preparation (1), force production (2), critical instant (3), follow through (4)Passing/Shooting/Catching Skills Analysis Link
Static Stretching Link

5 Senses:
Touch - Dried Out Starfish, Shells, Rocks, etc.
Taste - Seafood (i.e. Lobster Rolls, Crab Cakes, Fish Cakes, Seafood Chowder, etc.)
Smell - Seafood
Sight - Hiker Themed Costumes and/or Cardboard Cut Outs + Doran Storybooks
Hearing - See Drill Audio Clips For Each Drill (Kids Can Also Be Encouraged To Make Adventurous Sounds)





  1. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Sit in the "Listening Circle" at centre floor - utilize the talking stick
    - Has anyone heard of Dora The Explorer? Do you know any of the other characters???
    Storyline:  "Dora The Explorer" - loves to go on adventures
    Playlist:  Play "Dora The Explorer Theme" audio clip

    Introduce Characters:
    - Dora (Adventurous)
    - Boots (Monkey)
    - Swiper (Fox)
    - Tico (Squirrel)
    - Baby Jaguar
    - Senor Tucan
    - Diego (Friend)
  2. Games Drill #13: Tennis Ball Tag

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Dora & Boots Play Tag"
    - Choose your own character from the show or make up your own character!
    Playlist:  "I Love My Boots," "Boots' Special Day," "Un Dia Especial" & "Boots The Monkey!" audio clip (3x in consecutive order)

    Variation #1:  "Lax Tag."
    - Start with all players in one zone, with the restraining-line as a boundary.  The coach asks for two volunteers, or appoints a two players who are "it."  The coach then gives the players who are "it" a tennis ball and instructs the rest of the players to scatter throughout the zone (coach carries at least 3 extra tennis balls).
    - If the player who is it hits (via passing/shooting) any other person with the ball, without them catching it, they become "it."  Otherwise, if a player steps outside of the rag-line boundary or into the crease, they are also automatically it (at the coaches discretion).
  3. Warm Up

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Loading Up Your Back Pack"
    Playlist:  "Backpack, Backpack!," "Travel Song Medley," "Popping Bubbles," "Do The Robot Walk" & "Let's All Move Like The Animals Do" audio clips

    Dynamic Stretches -
    Introduce Characters:
    - Dora (Girl) - Cheering
    - Boots (Monkey) - Making Monkey Movements
    - Swiper (Fox) - galloping on all-4's
    - Tico (Squirrel) - quick feet drills (line hops)
    - Baby Jaguar - jump like a jaguar
    - Senor Tucan - flap your wings
    - Diego (Friend) - give a "high five"
  4. Games Drill #13: Tennis Ball Dodgeball

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Dodge The Falling Apples"
    Playlist:  "Super Spies," "Magic Music Box" & "Bate Bate Chocolate" audio clips (2x consecutively)

    Variation #2:  "Lax Dodgeball"
    - Start with all players in one zone, with the restraining line as a boundary.  The coach also puts pylons along the middle as a centre line, dividing the floor in half width-wise, leaving two teams with equal numbers on both sides of the line.
    - Coaches leave multiple tennis balls along the centre-line and instruct all players to take their place, with one foot against the side-boards to start.
    - After the whistle is blown, any player who gets hit by a tennis ball must sit down, but are still able to fish for loose balls and participate, but can only stand up if they, or their teammate, catches a ball in the air.
    - The game ends when all players on one side of the centre line are sitting down.  Bounce shots are acceptable, but balls that bounce off of the side-boards and hit a player do not count.
    - If playing this game in a gymnasium, if a player is able to throw the ball through the opponent's basketball hoop, all players who are sitting down are free to stand up.
  5. Cradling Drill #2: The Gauntlet ("Ball Protection")

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Running Through The Bushes"
    Playlist:  "Hurry! Hurry!" audio clip (4x)

    Variation #1 (2 min):  "No Balls"
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Taking Contact"
    - Divide the floor in half with an imaginary line lengthwise (or by using pylons) and have the players in spread out groups of 3-5 players, 2-3 metres from the side-boards and 3-5 metres from each other.
    - Players should be spread out in the line such that they cannot touch anyone within a minimum of stick-length away (mark with pylons). The lines can be on opposite sides in the same "end," opposite ends, or on both sides in both ends (using the full-floor); depending on the number of players.
    - The player at the front or back of the line steps back from the group and aligns themselves between the 2-3 metre gap left between the players still in line, and the boards (staying close to the boards).  This player runs through the gauntlet (3-5 players), running through the sticks of all of the other players.
    - Everyone gets a turn running through the gauntlet, taking three reps each overall - build up the intensity from 50 percent to 100 percent speed.
    - Teach them about the boards:  get away from the boards as soon as possible after getting a loose ball, otherwise stay close so the other player bounces off if you are going to take a hit - don’t be in the 2m danger zone.

    Variation #2 (3 min):  "With Balls"
    *bottom diagram*
    - Same as the above variation except the player running through the gauntlet is now carrying a ball.
    - The other players in the gauntlet are allowed to try to "slash" the ball out of the players stick using "short" and therefore legal slashes.
    - Most common error = players being too aggressive while checking the player in the gauntlet
  6. Cradling Drill #4: Coming to Balance Drill (Contact Prep)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Choosing What Book To Read"
    Playlist:  "Fairy Tale Land," "When You Grow Up" & "City Of Lost Toys" audio clips

    Variation #1 (1 min):  "Stop On A Dime"
    *top left diagram*
    - Demo (30 sec):  "Coming To Balance"
    - Have players lined up roughly 10 metres away from the side-boards.  Players should be facing the boards, with pylons marking a "cushion" area 1 metre away from the boards.
    - When the coach says go, all players run toward the pylons at a progressively faster speed each rep through the drill, starting at 50 percent speed.
    - The goal of the players is to slow their momentum and "come to balance," attempting to stop exactly where the pylons are without losing their balance and falling into the "cushion" area.
    - Coaches should identify the proper speed to challenge the athleticism of the athletes, having them perform several reps at their ideal speed.

    Variation #2B (2 min):  "Balance, Engage & Release"
    *top right diagram*
    - Same as the above variation except this time players are in single file lines and run toward a cluster of pylons in an equilateral triangle formation (1m x 1m x 1m).
    - The first player runs up to the top pylon, comes to balance, then side shuffles in a semi-circle formation from side-pylon to side-pylon (mimicking a loose ball scrum); eventually sprinting out of the drill (Variation #2A).  Players should switch which side of the triangle they start their side-shuffle on, each time through the drill.
    - Players should switch which side of the triangle they start their side-shuffle on, each time through the drill.
    - Next, add a pile of balls inside of the pylons that players can scoop a loose ball from after the footwork pattern mentioned above (Variation #2B).
    - The other option is for coaches to roll a loose ball into the drill as players are completing their side-shuffle pattern.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  7. Cradling Drill #5: Cradling/Dodging "Traffic" Shuttle

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "The Legend of the Big Red Chicken" (Dodge The Chicken)
    Playlist:  "The Chicken Dance," "Super Silly Fiesta," "Mary Had A Little Lamb" & "Going On A Berry Hunt" audio clips

    Variation #1:  "Dodge Your Opponent"
    - Have players lined up in two lines facing each other (approximately 15 metres apart), outside of the shooter positions, in one or both ends of the floor.
    - Players in both lines have no balls (Variation #1A - top diagram), and later have balls (Variation #1B - bottom diagram).  The first player in each line runs toward each other practicing one of the following:  "face dodges" or "roll dodges (left & right)."
    - The next player in line doesn't go next until the players ahead of them have made their "move" and run to the far-side line.
    - Have players build up their speed with each rep through the drill.
    - Note:  This drill variation works best with one shuttle of righties and another shuttle of lefties.
  8. Cradling Drill #4: Coming to Balance Drill (Contact Prep)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Find Swiper The Fox" -
    Playlist:  "Super Map," "Run, Dora, Run," "Swiper No Swiping!" "We Did It! & "La Lechuza" audio clips (2x in consecutive order)

    Variation #3 (2 min):  "Balance & Roll Off"
    *bottom left diagram*
    - Have players start in single file lines that are facing each other, 5-10 metres apart.
    - The first two players run toward each other at 25 percent speed and body check each other (or a coach with a checking pad), trying to spin or roll off of the check as the contact is initiated.
    - Progressively build up the speed that players approach each other.  Start the drill with no balls (Variation #3A) and advance to both players having balls, attempting not to drop them as they initiate their contact (Variation #3B).  Players exit the drill to the back of the opposite line after taking their turn.

    Variation #4 (2 min):  "Open Floor Check"
    *bottom right diagram*
    - Same as the above variation except there is now a defensive line (no balls), and an offensive line (with balls).  Lines can be north-south (as seen in diagram) or east-west in orientation.
    - After receiving a body check from the defender (or a coach with a checking pad), the ball carrier attempts to continue their momentum toward the net for a shot, with both players switching lines after the drill.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  9. Games Drill #14: King's (Queen's) Court

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Cross The Bridge Without Dropping Your Backpack"
    Playlist:  Play "I'm The Grumpy Old Troll," "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Tenemos Amigos," "Baby Dino" & "Travel Sound (Reprise)" audio clips

    Variation #2:  "Teams"
    - Have players stand around the face-off circle, or in two separate smaller circles (perhaps marked with pylons) depending on numbers.
    - The players on the outside of the circle are able to strip the ball at any time if either of the players in the middle comes too close.
    - Two players start in the middle of the circle, both with balls in their stick.
    - When the coach says go or blows the whistle, players in the middle should "bump hips" with each other in an effort to dislodge the opponent's ball.
    - If a player in the middle drops a ball, the opposing team is scored with a point.  Both teams send a new player into the circle each round, and games can be played up to 10 drops.
    - If the players in the middle aren't dropping the ball for an extended period of time, the coaches can instruct players on the outside to take one or two steps forward; or back at any time (if players are cheating).  If players are repeatedly cheating they can also be made to do a lap of the arena before re-entering the drill.
  10. Games Drill #19: Small-Sided Games (3 Vs. 3)

    DRILL #
    Storyline:  "Open The Gate To The Big Red Hill" (Put The key In The Keyhole)
    Playlist:  Play "Dora The Explorer Party Mix," "Wheels On The Bus," "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," "London Bridge," "I'm A Little Teapot," "Hokey Pokey" & "If You're Happy & You Know It" audio clips

    Variation #1:  "3 Vs. 3"
    - Arrange two teams equally on both sides of the restraining-line, in one or both ends of the floor depending on numbers; with players facing into the defensive zone.
    - On one side of the restraining line is “Team 1” and on the opposite side is “Team 2” (make more creative names if possible).
    - Move the nets against the side-boards, halfway between the goal-line and restraining line.
    - The first 3 players in line on each team enter the drill, starting with a face-off or loose ball.  If it's a loose ball, have players enter from the defensive side, closest to the goalie.
    - Shift length can be timed intervals (1 or 2 minutes), players can change when a goal is scored or at the coaches discretion.  COACHES CAN ALSO WORK ON LINE CHANGES ON THE FLY USING 2 DIFFERENT COLOURED PYLONS AS LAND MARKS ("Shoot then run off").
    - If at any point during the games the ball is near the restraining line, the players not in the drill should be encouraged to "bat the ball" back into play, helping establish good "flow" in the drill.
    - If there is no goalies, players can shoot the ball into the open net (or off the post) for a goal.
  11. Cool Down

    DRILL #
    - Circle at Centre Floor
    - Pass around the "talking stick" for kids to say what they liked most about today's lesson
    - Start the fire with their sticks (Playlist = "Forest Fire" audio clip)
    - Snacks:  Seafood
    - Homework:  100 Dodges

Level #2

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