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4A. Fundamentals - Basic Skills Assessment

Equipment Needed:  Open Wall/Field Space or Outdoor/Indoor Lacrosse Box, Lacrosse Balls, Nets, Duct Tape, Universal Screw Driver, Zip Ties, Helmets & Gloves, Sticks, Pylons, Whistle, Name Tags, Sharpie

Level = Beginner

*Note - Goalies Are Not Recommended (3x3 Nets Are Recommended For Players Under 8 Years Old)*

Pre-Practice (15 min - Optional):
- Introductions + Ice-Breaker Activity + Practice Overview


- Land Acknowledgement
- Recognize the importance of the standardization of each drill (needs to be the same pre & post test)
- Coaches explain each drill for 30 seconds max without breaking down the technical aspects of the skill being tested
- Players (or ideally coaches/evaluators) fill out their Skills Tracking Sheets using the honour system





  1. Loose Ball Drill #1A: Stationary Loose Balls ("Scooping")

    DRILL #
    Variation #1A:  "Stationary Loose Ball"
    - Put players in partners, with one ball for each pairing, standing 5 metres away from each other, using pylons to mark the distance.
    - The partner with the ball puts it on the ground beside them while the other partner takes 5 running steps before scooping up the ball.
    - This partner then runs with the ball back to where they started, giving their partner the same opportunity to pick up a stationary loose ball.
    - A successful rep is when a player picks it up (scoops it) all in one motion.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
  2. Stickwork Drill #3: Loose Balls On-The-Run

    DRILL #
    Variation #1C:  "Dynamic Loose Balls"
    - Divide the full-floor in half lengthwise with an imaginary line (or using pylons).  Organize players into lines, in opposite corners, at opposite ends of the floor.
    - Coaches then stand by the side-boards at both sides of centre-floor and roll a loose ball to the first player in both lines as they run forward.
    - Standardize the direction the loose ball is rolled into the drill, preferably nice and smoothly, and somewhat perpendicular to the oncoming player.
    - A successful rep is when a player picks it up (scoops it) all in one motion.  Players may finish with a breakaway shot on net (for fun).
    - Switch which corners the players are starting from halfway through the drill (i.e. after players have 5 reps complete).  This forces players to scoop half of the balls with their stick to the middle of the floor versus on the board-side.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  3. Warm Up Drill #3: Board Shuttles

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "Stationary Passing"
    - Have players line up in groups of 3 to 5 players, facing the side-boards (or a wall) 10 metres away (marked with a pylon), with a 30cm x 30cm square target taped on the wall.
    - The first player in line starts with a ball.  This player passes the ball at the target, then gets out of the way of the rebounding ball.
    - The next player in line corrals the loose ball and repeats the same action, as does the next player in line, and so on and so forth.
    - A successful rep is when the player passes against the wall and the ball hits the tape or anywhere inside the square
    - Coaches should be ready with extra balls.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
  4. Stickwork Drill #2: Stationary "Partner Passing"

    DRILL #
    Variation #1:  "Stationary Catching"
    - Players are lined up in pairs, 7-10 metres apart (depending on age), marked with pylons.  Partners pass back and forth counting the number of successful catches.
    - If the pass is UNCATCHABLE (i.e. opposite side of the players body than that which they are holding the stick; below their waist or high above their head), extra attempts may be allowed at the coaches discretion.
    - Players can use their hands to underhand pass the ball if required.
    - Coaches should be ready with extra balls.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  5. Stickwork Drill #2: Partner Passing

    DRILL #
    Variation #3A:  "Dynamic Passing" (Passer Only)
    - Players are lined up in pairs, 10-15 metres apart (depending on age), marked with pylons.  With one ball per pairing, the ball carrier makes a short run forward before passing the ball to their partner.  If the pass touches the partner’s stick then it is to be deemed a successful repetition (unless UNCATCHABLE - see previous drill).
    - The original passer backpedals back to where they started (marked by pylons) and with their partner repeating the said action.
    - Coaches should be ready with extra balls.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
  6. Stickwork Drill #3: Catching On-The-Run

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "Dynamic Catching"
    - Coaches divide the floor in half lengthwise with pylons; two lines starting in opposite corners (opposite ends).
    - Coaches stand by the side-boards at both sides of centre-floor, with a large pile of balls, and as the first player in both lines run forward, they flip the ball up in the air for the player to catch while running (for a successful rep).
    - Switch which corners the players are starting from halfway through the drill (i.e. after players have 5 reps complete).  This forces players to catch half of the balls with their stick to the middle of the floor versus on the board-side.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  7. Warm-Up Drill #5: Semi-Circle ("Horseshoe") Shooting

    DRILL #
    Variation #1:  “All at Once”
    - Arrange players into five lines at the 5 standard offensive positions (marked with pylons), on their proper floor sides, in one or both ends of the floor.
    - From 10 metres away, players need to cradle the ball up and down three times before subsequently taking a crow-hop then a set-shot on net from behind the pylon in front of them (10m away from the net).
    - All players shoot at the same time.
    - Players rotate lines after each shot, rotating between the crease, shooter and point position on their proper floor side.
    - A successful rep is if the player doesn’t drop the ball and hits the net with their shot.
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
  8. Cradling Drill #3A: Cradling & Shooting On-The-Run

    DRILL #
    Variation #1:  "Speed & Agility Build Up"
    - The coach divides the floor in half lengthwise, with two lines in opposite ends.
    - Within each half there should be a zigzag pylon formation (6 pylons - 10 metres apart).  Players must cradle around the pylons (no drops) & shoot the ball into the net from 10m away for a successful rep (mark with a pylon).
    - Players should be encouraged to shoot on-the-run, without checking up into a "crow-hop" (which is otherwise known as a "set-shot").
    - Keep track of successful reps out of 10.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  9. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Circle at centre-floor
    - Debrief:  On the experience
    - Hand in tracking sheets:  to coaches
    - Come up with an appropriate word, as a team, for a team cheer.

Level #2

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