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2. Fundamentals - Lesson #2 (Progressions)

Equipment Needed:  Lacrosse Box, Lacrosse Balls, Nets, Tape, Universal Screw Driver, Hacksaw, Zip Ties, Helmets & Gloves, Sticks, Pylons, Whistle, Empty Garbage Can

Level = Beginner

*Note - Goalies Are Not Recommended (3x3 Nets Are Recommended For Players Under 8 Years Old)*

Pre-Practice (20 min - Optional):
- Demo Stick Stringing - How To Create And Maintain A Usable Stick (+ Quick Fixes For Noticeably Bad "Pockets") – 20 Minutes Prior To Practice


- Athletic position = Feet parallel (hip width apart), knees slightly bent (1/4 squat aka peak power position), staying on “the balls (forefoot)” of your feet, leaning slightly forward, with head/chest up, abdominals flexed (as if about to be punched in the stomach), a “neutral spine” and “shoulders set.”
- 4 phases of a movement = preparation (1), force production (2), critical instant (3), follow through (4)

Loose Ball Skills Analysis Link
Cradling Skills Analysis Link
Passing/Shooting/Catching Skills Analysis Link
Static Stretching Link





  1. Huddle

    DRILL #
    - Circle at Centre-Floor
    - Land Acknowledgement
    - Discussion (1 min):  "Hard Work/Perseverance"
    - Rehash (1 min):  Skills learned last practice
    - Come up with an appropriate word, as a team, for a team cheer
  2. Warm Up Drill #1: Running Around The Perimeter

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "With Balls"
    - Run around the side/end boards with sticks/balls; two-handed cradling (both directions).  No passing.
    - Most common error = not running with "two hands" on the stick
  3. Defense Drill #1: Athletic Position (“Triple Threat”)

    DRILL #
    Variation #4C:  "Follow The Stick" (With Balls)
    - Demo:  "Triple Threat Position"
    - Have players stand (with nobody else within arm’s length) in two different groups, in opposite ends of the floor, with their heads/sticks up and coaches instructing them to follow their stick (forward, back-pedal, side-shuffle).
    - Players should be carrying the ball in the "triple threat position" throughout the drill.
    - Each sequence of movements should last between 30-45 seconds (giving players the feel for what an average shift would be like).
    - Have players sprint to the opposite end of the floor and repeat the drill in front of the other coach.
  4. Loose Ball Drill #2: Rolling ("Attacking") A Ball With A Partner

    DRILL #
    Variation #1 (2 min):  "Loose Ball"
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (1 min):  "Attacking The Ball" (Keep It In Front Of You)
    - Have players line up in pairs 10-15 metres apart, rolling (underhand motion - with their hand if necessary) a ball back and forth.
    - As players progress, coaches can have players practice different techniques ("scoop," "scoop, tuck & turn," "scoop to triple-threat position")
    - Most common error = waiting for the ball to arrive instead of "pursuing" it forward

    Variation #2A (2 min):  "Loose Ball & Cradle"
    *bottom diagram*
    - Same as the drill variation above except one partner scoops the loose ball and then cradles around the partner (left side & right side) that rolled them the ball.  Alternate back and forth.
    - Most common error = not protecting the ball as they cradle around their partner
  5. Warm Up Drill #3: Board Shuttles

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "Strong Hand" (Eye Level)
    - Have players line up in groups of 3 to 5, facing the side-boards (or a wall); standing approximately 15 metres away.
    - The first player in line starts with a ball. This player runs a few steps forward and "passes" the ball against the glass aiming for "eye level," so the ball bounces back to the next player in line (ideally toward their "strong hand").
    - The next player in line has to corral the loose ball and repeat the same action as the player in front of them, and so on and so forth.
    - Encourage beginners to get in front of the ball with their body, instead of reaching with their arms. Assistant coaches should be ready with extra balls.  Give players plenty of feedback, based on the 4 phases of movement in the practice plan notes.
  6. Stickwork Drill #1: Passing Against The Boards ("Wall Ball")

    DRILL #
    Variation #1A:  "Normal Pass" (Dynamic)
    - Demo (1 min):  "Triple Threat Position," Rotate, "Release Point," "Follow Through"
    - Spread players out as evenly as possible across the floor space, with players starting 10 metres away from the boards.
    - With feet relatively stationary, players should pick a spot on the glass and pass against a spot on the side-boards/glass at approximately eye level; getting comfortable with the "release point" of the stick.
    - For first timers, consider starting with bare hand and/or top-hand only, to compare mechanics of throwing a ball.
    - Emphasis should be place on getting one's body in front of the ball when attempting to corral the rebounding ball ("no reaching"); that way if missed, the ball may hit the player and still be in front of them to scoop up.
    - Assistant coaches should be ready with lots of extra balls.
  7. Stickwork Drill #1: Shooting Against The Boards

    DRILL #
    Variation #5:  "Set-Shooting" (Overhand)
    - Demo (1 min):  "Set-Shooting" (Time & Space)
    - Spread players out as evenly as possible across the floor space, starting 15 metres away from the boards (or a wall)
    - Progressively try shooting the ball at “the wall” with more power.
    - Ideally players start perpendicular to the boards, take a "crow hop," rotate hips/shoulders/trunk and snap wrists.
    - Most common error = not keeping arms "up and away" from their body while loading up to shoot
  8. Warm Up Drill #5: Semi-Circle ("Horseshoe") Shooting

    DRILL #
    Variation #1A (3 min):  "All @ Once" (Progressively Further Game)
    *top diagram*
    - Demo (1 min):  "Proper Floor Side," "Prime Scoring Area"
    - Arrange players, in both ends of the floor, into an arc (semi-circle) formation; starting 5 metres back from the crease.
    - Have all players shoot from the same distance every time, keeping track of the total number of goals scored; trying to get score more each time through.
    - If more goals are scored, everyone moves further away; if less goals are scored, everyone takes a step forward.
    - Continue until players score more goals than the round before, from 20m away.

    Variation #4 (4 min):  "Shot On-The-Run" (L To R/R To L)
    *bottom diagram*
    - Demo (1 min):  "Shooting-On-The-Run"
    - Arrange players into five lines at the 5 standard offensive positions, instead of the semi-circle formation (Variation #5).
    - Have players take turns taking shots on the run starting 10 metres away, working their way from one side to the other, with one second in-between shots; start on the opposite side the next time through the drill.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  9. Games Drill #3B: Cradling Relay Races (North-South)

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "Weave"
    - Create a lengthwise (north-south) pylon formation on both sides of the floor and arrange players into 2 (lengthwise) or 4 (widthwise) lines of equal numbers (ideally no more than 5 players per line), in one or both ends of the floor.
    - If any line has uneven numbers, the line(s) with less players will have to have somebody go twice in order to make things even.
    - Have a relay race zig-zagging around the pylons, with players touching the far-end boards then sprinting back to the start, while cradling the ball with the best technique possible (two-hands on the stick).
    - After cradling through the pylons, roll the ball to the ball to the next player in line; the next player cannot go until the player ahead of them crosses goal-line-extended.
    - Continue the drill until every player has gone.
    - The first team with everyone sitting down wins the relay race.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  10. Games Drill #11: Shooting Relay Races

    DRILL #
    Variation #1A: "Without Goalies" (Game To 10)
    - Start with a large amount of balls on the ground inside of the face-off circle, with a pylon stationed in "the middle" (10 metres back from the net).
    - Preferably, they are stationed on their proper floor sides (lefts & rights), in both corners, behind goal-line-extended (GLE).
    - Other players set to go in this drill should be against the boards, tucked tightly in the corner to avoid getting hit by balls.
    - On the whistle the first player in each line needs to run to centre-floor, scoop a loose ball, and run back toward the goal in the end they started from.
    - Players must take a "set-shot" or a shot on-the-run (preferably overhand) before the pylon for it to count, playing a game to 10 where players get one shot and no attempts at rebounds ("hitting the post" counts for 2).
  11. Games Drill #6: Lax Darts

    DRILL #
    Variation #3:  "Free For All"
    - Place a garbage can in the middle of the face-off circle (if no garbage can is available, another option is aiming to get the ball into a basketball net - if in a school gym).
    - Have all players on one side of the restraining line with coaches on the other side, actively collecting balls to send back to the players.
    - Alternatively, the garbage can could be placed in the crease, with coaches behind the players, instead of in front of them.
    - Place pylons on the ground to mark the start line, which should be an appropriate distance away from the garbage can, depending on skill level.
    - All players can throw balls as they are returned by coaches, and players can battle for the loose balls (no slashing) until somebody corrals one (at which point they are free to shoot).
  12. Cardio Drill #1: Rabbit Run (With Balls)

    DRILL #
    Variation #1B:  "Single Line" (With Balls)
    - Discussion (1 min):  "Fitness"
    - Start with the entire team in a line along the boards (1 metre away from each other).
    - Players jog at the same speed around the outside of the box, with the player at the back of the line sprinting up to the front of the line (with balls - cradling).  The only rule is no stepping in the crease.
    - Once this player reaches the front of the line, the next player at the back of the line begins their sprint.
    - Be sure to have the lines switch directions at the half way point of the jog, predetermined prior to the team cardio session.
    - Water Break = 1 min
  13. Cool Down

    DRILL #
    - Circle at centre-floor.
    - Have players demonstrate "static stretches" that they know.
    - Come up with an appropriate word, as a team, for a team cheer.

Level #2

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