5-On-4 Box Play #2A (“Seal The Shooter”) & Play #2B (“Pick The Shooter”)
2A. Point - "Seal The Shooter" (On-Ball)
- The point player passes to the same-handed shooter, which triggers the play.
- The point player then seals for the same-handed shooter, who comes overtop and either shoots (Option #1) or passes to the off-ball shooter who cuts the middle (or otherwise stands ready to quickly catch & shoot from the outside) if the off-ball high defender tries to help ("pinch") at the point position (Option #2). Option #3 is to pass it to the off-ball crease player for a quick-stick, or this player can pass it into the sealer, who "rolls" to the net if this skip pass gets made.
- Variation: The point player can also seal for the opposite-handed shooter, with all play "options" being their mirror opposite; the only difference being the sealer will be on their wrong floor-side and therefore unable to effectively roll to the net in the event of a skip pass.
- Variation: The point player can also pass to the weak-side shooter and seal for the strong-side shooter, with the weak-side shooter passing to the strong-side shooter coming overtop of the seal for a shot.
- Variation: The strong-side shooter can also do the seal instead of the point player, with the point player receiving the pass and taking the shot; perhaps with a pass from crease-to-crease (behind the net) as a trigger and the weak-side crease player making the pass.
2B. Point - "Pick The Shooter" (Off-Ball)
- The point player passes to the opposite-handed shooter (who also has the option to pass to the same-side crease player), which triggers the play.
- The point player then picks for the same-handed shooter who either comes overtop for a shot (Option #1), passes to the picker who rolls to the middle after setting the pick (Option #2), or passes to the off-ball crease player for a quick stick shot (Option #3).
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