Loose Ball Drill #3: Repetitive “Loose Balls On-The-Run”
- Demo (1 min): "Kicking" The Ball, "Batting" The Ball
- Start in one end of the floor with 2 rows of players (numbered "1's" or "2's"), evenly spaced, all players with balls in their stick.
- *Variation #1 (2 min): "Loose Ball OTR." The coach sends the first group running down the floor, having them practice picking up up loose balls in a variety of ways ("scoop," "trap & scoop," "scoop, tuck & turn," "scoop to triple-threat position," scoop-to-triple threat-to-tuck & turn), after first rolling the ball a short distance in front of them. Coaches should stress quality over quantity.
- After the first group gets to centre-floor or any other designated landmark, the coach sends the second group.
- Variation #2 (2 min): "Kick/Bat Then Scoop." Same as the above variation except players practice first kicking or batting the loose ball (also utilizing the side-boards) and then picking it up.
- Variation #3 (2 min): "Loose Ball With A Dodge." Same as the above variations except after scooping the loose ball the player then performs a dodge; eventually rolling the ball back onto the floor and going through the same sequence again.
- *Most common error = players not "trapping" the loose ball when it rolls away from them.
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