*In practice, each line will get ~5 minutes to get as many reps in as they can before switching out. One of the lines who is waiting will play 50% level defence while the other watches from the restraining line.*
1. The first step with a full shot clock should be to get everyone a touch on the ball. When 'Run the Wall!' is called, the pointman makes the first pass to the top Leftie shooter.
2. The second step is a pass between the Lefties. When the pass is MADE, the crease Rightie should make contact with his defender on a fake 'cut'.
3a. Step 3 is the action step. The Lefties will run the switch, with top Leftie pushing past his man to pick on crease Leftie, and crease Leftie rolling up top.
3b. Pointman AND top Rightie will hit their man and push them to the strong side of the floor. Crease Rightie will then lose his man with a cut around The Wall and call for a pass from the cycling Leftie.
4. The Leftie ball-carrier can make a quick pass to the cycling Rightie or make their own move to the net if the lane is clear. BOTH LEFTIES SHOULD ALSO BE READY FOR A BACK DOOR PASS OR A REBOUND.