Offense Drill #2: Off-Ball “Cutters”
- Demo (1 min): Off-Ball Cutting
- Arrange players in one or both ends of the floor depending on numbers. Have them stationed on their proper floor sides, in the crease and shooter positions, on both sides of the floor.
- *Variation #1 (5 min): "Pass To Coach." This drill starts on one side of the floor with the shooter passing down to the coach on their side of the floor, and the off-ball shooter cutting the middle, receiving a pass for a shot (Variation #1A).
- Alternate this pattern back and forth with "shooters" passing first and then "cutting" during the very next repetition in the drill.
- Another suggested variation of this drill is for the coach to roll the ball into the middle (as if a loose ball or rebound off of a shot), with the cutter having to quickly pick up the ball and make a move on the goalie “in tight” (Variation #1B).
- *Variation #2 (5 min): "Player Passer." This drill starts on one side of the floor with the crease player first engaging their defender (imaginary) then popping out and receiving a pass from the same-side shooter. Players should constantly be "calling for a pass," as a good habit.
- After making the pass down to the crease player the opposite side shooter cuts the middle and receives a pass for a shot. Alternate this pattern back and forth with "shooters" passing first and then cutting during the very next repetition in the drill. After taking a turn in the shooter line, players rotate down to the crease line and vice-versa.
*Variation #3 (7 min): "Swing Pass & Cut." Is the same as the above variation except there is a swing pass from shooter to shooter before repeating the above actions. The player behind the player who is next in the shooter lines gives them a ball when it's their turn to go.
*Variation #4 (7 min): "Quick Stick Finish." Same as the variations above except players are asked to finish with a quick stick shot on net.
*Variation #5 & #6 (7 min): "Dummy Defenders." Is the same as above variations #2 & #3 except there is a volunteer defender playing “soft” defense at the shooter position on both sides of the floor (Variation #5); simulating the the battle required to get to the middle. There can also be another volunteer defender "window washing" the passer (Variation #6). The coach can also request that defenders force the cutter to one side or the other (perhaps forcing players to catch a lead pass over their inside shoulder if advanced).
Another option instead of a volunteer defender is for the first player in the shooter line to play defense, later taking their turn on offense (after the other side takes their turn), switching to the crease line after they shoot; and vice-versa.
*Most common error = timing the off-ball cut when the ball is passed low
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