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Drill and Play Creator

Login or sign up to create your own custom lacrosse drills and plays.

You can also create a lacrosse drill or play on either a men's field or a women's field diagram.

Screenshot of what the app looks like.

If you get stuck while working on a drill or play, these instructions can be accessed without losing your progress by clicking the help button.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the top menu choose whether it is a drill or play and type in a title, then press save.

Yes you can, but only if you have access to the practice plan and playbook creator.

Yes you can, but only if you have access to the practice plan and playbook creator.

You have a My Custom Drills page and a My Custom Plays page where you can order drills, delete and edit notes.

Click the drill or play title link to go to the each individual drill or play page, at which point you can add it to your practice plans and playbooks.

Still Have Questions? Email Support@Laxlife.ca

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