Get ready for a one of a kind lacrosse experience! Smell the sweat and rubber, feel the ball going into the corners of the net, taste victory out of the Cup! Sense the double team, find the open player, dish a pass over your shoulder to your teammate; score a goal for the team! In this camp you will receive specific instruction from some of the World’s best players and teachers of the game. Individual and team skills will be addressed in all capacities throughout this camp, in recognition that “The Creators Game” has a place for everybody.
To ensure laxers have the most enjoyable experience possible it is important that they come prepared for the
activities of each day. All athletes should bring the following items with them to camp each day:
As a way to help maximize your child’s safety and enjoyment with Laxlife, please take the time
to read this email and its attachments in their entirety! Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Laxlife is committed to taking your child’s lacrosse game to the next level. Our camp is the complete immersion of your kid into the world of lacrosse, introducing young laxers to the best teachers, coaches, trainers, and players of the game. Our team will develop your child’s skill and awareness, strength & conditioning and team building skills using a variety of activities that will ensure that they excel in all forms of lacrosse, box and field.
In the morning, when you are dropping off your child, please pull into the venue parking lot and follow the signs. Once you have arrived please check-in with our Laxlife team located nearby. At this time you will be asked to sign-in your child and indicate who will be picking them up at the end of the day. In the afternoon, when you are returning to the venue to pick-up your child from the camp, please make your way to the check-in where a Laxlife camp staff member will sign-out your child for the day.
In the afternoon, when you are returning to the venue to pick-up your child from the camp, please make your way to the check-in where a Laxlife camp staff member will sign-out your child for the day.