a) Goalie makes save, ball in crease
X5 - Off bench crease player pushes out to the corner
X4 - Off bench shooter pushes up to restraining line
X1 - Top player runs up to centre then back looking for a pass, if breakout is clear, player goes to bench for a change
X2 - Bench side shooter goes to bench for change
X3 - Bench side crease looks for pass (last backup) and changes if all clear
→ Goalie passes ball to off bench crease (X5) → ball then gets passed up to off bench shooter (X4) → ball is then passed to 2nd player off the bench to bring down the floor
→ all 3 remaining players on the floor change when the ball has moved up the floor
→ if off bench player is being pressured with the ball, off bench shooter runs back down to set the pick so off bench crease can move the ball up to the 2nd player of the bench
b) loose ball pickup in corner on bench side
Players who picks up ball runs behind the net to become off bench crease player
Player who used to occupy this position sets a pick if required to help player with the ball then takes the place of the bench side crease player, looking for a pass or getting to bench as seen fit by the situation
All other players responsibilities remain the same