Top - Ken and Bryan L run - coach roll ball into corner (one side at a time), player runs, pick up ball, passes back to coach and then receives a pass back - than takes shot.
Bottom - Controlled 5 on 5
Shawn will huddle with offense at center, walking through positions and roles.
Jean Guy and Bryan huddle with D, walking through position and roles. (not, I plan to have set lines and positions - Ive got three sets of pennies). Focus on D is
top player will start sagging twoards middle if ball goes to side/low. 4 corner guys stay in box and stay in their portion of box (never leaving, switch if they have to). Alway pressure ball carriers (what ever position is closest to ball carrier). Top guys is a back up if one of the players get beat one on one.
We will rotate lines through top and bottom parts of drill.