This drill can be done anywhere on the field.
Place 3 cones, spaced 8-10 yards apart, creating a triangle.
Place one offensive player 5 yards above the middle cone.
Place one defensive player between the left and right cones.
The objective of this drill is for the defensive player to keep the dodger outside of the triangle.
The defender will approach the offensive player, using the angle of his approach in an attempt to dictate which cone the offensive player will go to. The dodger will then attempt to get past the defender into the middle of the triangle until they reach a cone, at which point they will change direction and reverse their dodge.
Defensive Coaching points
-Approach to dictate
-Angle of approach (BananApproach)
-Break down with stick in front
-Trail the dodger (maintain topside leverage)
-Drive or Bump (Inside to inside, outside to outside)
Offensive Coaching points
-Run at defender first
-Attack top foot
-Embrace contact and turn the corner
-Roll back to get top-side