-Variation 1: Sour Skittles (Top diagram)
Players will line up in high-wing pairs, with their sticks to the outside. The outside player will start with a ball. The ball carrier will dodge down the alley, and the inside player will mirror, taking a curved path similar to 'pop'. The ball carrier will then reverse the field by using a step-back throw-back motion, hitting their partner with a pass. The player receiving the ball will then catch and shoot, making sure to receive the pass ready to shoot the ball quickly.
-Variation 2: Razor 2 Away (Bottom diagram)
Players will line up in high-wing pairs, with their sticks to the middle, with attackmen behind the cage. The drill will start with a razor pick from x. The dodger will use the pick and continue towards the goal. The ball carrier will then pass to their adjacent outlet, who will then immediately make a swing pass to hit the 'pop' in the opposite high-wing pair. The off-ball 'pop' will communicate by saying 'One more!', and will time their pop as to arrive in position, to not be flat footed as they receive the pass, and ready to catch and shoot.
-Variation 3: Sour Razor 2 Away (Similar to bottom diagram)
Same as Variation 2, except the high-wing pairs will start with their sticks to the outside. The off-ball 'pop' will catch the ball and immediately dodge down the alley for a shot.